Spotlight Story - "Anubis" Jacket
As difficult as it can be to create the perfect jacket for yourself, it's even more ambitious to do so for another. Be that as it may, this is the challenge Teja was more than happy to take on for her beloved brother. She wanted a one-of-a-kind piece of art that would bring him all the recognition and admiration he deserved. That was the mission.
Spotlight Story - "Storm" Jacket
Spotlight Story - "Kold Blooded" Jacket
He actually got his initial line jacket years ago. Shaun will always love and cherish his first jacket, but he honestly felt it was too plain for his taste. When it came to his next crossing jacket, Shaun decided he wanted more.
Spotlight Story - "Lady Gray" Jacket
Jasmine sees herself as "an enigmatic individual filled with intellect and personality." She wanted her artwork to depict her traits through her alter ego, Lady Gray.
Jasmin says: "Whenever people see my jacket they compliment me on the jacket and then ask for the story behind it! Those who know the meaning of the symbols on my jacket absolutely love it! And many even want a jacket for themselves!"
Spotlight Story - Thanos Varsity Letterman Jacket
Spotlight Story - Gamma Zeta Rho Weapons of Mass Destruction Jacket
It is easy to see when someone is passionate about a particular subject vs just lackadaisically just going with the flow. It is clear to see that everyone at Stuff4Greeks and our custom apparel store, Zeus' Closet is passionate about creating never-before-seen pieces of custom Greek gear. On the same note, we could tell our friend Teves is passionate about 2 things: Cutting hair, and representing Gamma Zeta Rho.
Spotlight Story - Phi Beta Sigma "OptimACE Prime"
Spotlight Story - OES Queen Adah Line Jacket
Spotlight Story "The ProDEUCEr"
This may by far be the easiest spotlight story that we have ever written. Often we find ourselves trying to pry information from the owners of our featured jackets. That is certainly not the case with our friend Chandler. He could not say enough about his amazing work of art that we helped him create.
Spotlight Story - Sigma Lambda Gamma "Kasai"
It is always interesting to learn about our customers’ journeys into Greekdom. It is very interesting how similar yet different the processes are across organizations. Across the board one of the biggest moments in the journey is being awarded a line name. We’ve made custom Greek jackets for thousands of people who absolutely love their line names. We’ve also came across a few people who didn’t particularly care for the line names they’ve been given. They normally opt to get an alias on their custom Greek gear instead. Our friend, Aisha is a member of Sigma Lambda Gamma who definitely falls under the first group, as her line name fits her perfectly.
Spotlight Story - Diva "Smooth Operator" Jacket
It makes us feel amazing inside when we come across someone who is as passionate about their Greek gear as we are about making it. Needless to say we were both ecstatic about working together to make Sade’s vision for the ultimate Greek jacket come to life.
Spotlight Story - Alpha Kappa Alpha "Dream Pearls" Jacket
No individual member of our team can take full credit for all of the fantastic Greek gear that we create on a daily basis. Our new friend Ayanna feels the same about her masterpiece. When we asked how she came up with the idea she let us know that, “The Dream Pearls all collaborated on the design. We wanted something that really represented our line so we decided to take a picture from the Dream Girls movie and give it the DP14 treatment!”
Spotlight Story - Kappa Phi Lambda Illamasqua Ninja
We all have people in our lives that we look up to. We want to celebrate those people, make them proud and when the time comes, celebrate them for all of the reasons that we look up to them. Those people are often our parents or other family members, mentors, teachers, coaches or maybe even coworkers. Our friend Tina has a big sis in Kappa Phi Lambda that she looks up to and wanted to create a custom Greek coaches jacket to show her appreciation for. We thought that was a great idea!