Spotlight Story - Thanos Varsity Letterman Jacket

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Many of our customers know exactly what they are looking for when it comes to their Greek jackets.  There may be gray areas when it comes to certain things but that is what our team of experienced designers are here for.  Our friend, Pearl is a member of Kappa Phi Lambda who, was positive about exactly how she wanted her custom Greek varsity jacket to be.  We think we nailed it, hitting every little detail she asked for on this warm Greek coat.


Spotlight Story - Gamma Zeta Rho Weapons of Mass Destruction Jacket

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It is easy to see when someone is passionate about a particular subject vs just lackadaisically just going with the flow.  It is clear to see that everyone at Stuff4Greeks and our custom apparel store, Zeus' Closet is passionate about creating never-before-seen pieces of custom Greek gear.  On the same note, we could tell our friend Teves is passionate about 2 things:  Cutting hair, and representing Gamma Zeta Rho.  

Spotlight Story - Phi Beta Sigma "OptimACE Prime"

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Over the years the Jacket of the Year contest has featured the hottest of the hot custom Greek jackets that we've created based on the creativity of the artwork embroidered on.  This year is no different, well its a little different.  This contestant ordered a custom Greek sweatshirt as a gift for a member of Phi Beta Sigma that was so impressive that we just had to include it in the competition. . .

Spotlight Story - OES Queen Adah Line Jacket

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Our friend Desiree is proud of her chapter as she should be, and wanted an OES jacket that shows how much pride she takes in it.  When asked she told us that she, “always wanted to represent my Chapter of the Order in Long Beach, CA.  The idea came from my vision that it represents me.  A young lady finally saw the light in the East.  And as she shines, she will always have those 5 stars to look up to for direction.  This is definitely a masterpiece that we’re proud to say we created.  Desiree will be shining like the star that she is every time she wears her jacket.

Spotlight Story "The ProDEUCEr"

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This may by far be the easiest spotlight story that we have ever written.  Often we find ourselves trying to pry information from the owners of our featured jackets.  That is certainly not the case with our friend Chandler.  He could not say enough about his amazing work of art that we helped him create. 

Spotlight Story - Sigma Lambda Gamma "Kasai"

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It is always interesting to learn about our customers’ journeys into Greekdom.  It is very interesting how similar yet different the processes are across organizations.  Across the board one of the biggest moments in the journey is being awarded a line name.  We’ve made custom Greek jackets for thousands of people who absolutely love their line names.  We’ve also came across a few people who didn’t particularly care for the line names they’ve been given.  They normally opt to get an alias on their custom Greek gear instead.  Our friend, Aisha is a member of Sigma Lambda Gamma who definitely falls under the first group, as her line name fits her perfectly.


Spotlight Story - Diva "Smooth Operator" Jacket

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It makes us feel amazing inside when we come across someone who is as passionate about their Greek gear as we are about making it.  Needless to say we were both ecstatic about working together to make Sade’s vision for the ultimate Greek jacket come to life.


Spotlight Story - Alpha Kappa Alpha "Dream Pearls" Jacket

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No individual member of our team can take full credit for all of the fantastic Greek gear that we create on a daily basis.  Our new friend Ayanna feels the same about her masterpiece.  When we asked how she came up with the idea she let us know that, “The Dream Pearls all collaborated on the design.  We wanted something that really represented our line so we decided to take a picture from the Dream Girls movie and give it the DP14 treatment!” 


Spotlight Story - Kappa Phi Lambda Illamasqua Ninja

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We all have people in our lives that we look up to.  We want to celebrate those people, make them proud and when the time comes, celebrate them for all of the reasons that we look up to them.  Those people are often our parents or other family members, mentors, teachers, coaches or maybe even coworkers.  Our friend Tina has a big sis in Kappa Phi Lambda that she looks up to and wanted to create a custom Greek coaches jacket to show her appreciation for.  We thought that was a great idea!


Spotlight Story - Alpha Phi Alpha "6 M.I.R.A.G.E.S" Line Jackets

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Anniversaries are very special to people, and they should be.  We all have birthdays, holidays, wedding anniversaries, founding days, chapter anniversaries and so much more to keep up with.  There are so many things to think of in preparation for all of the above-mentioned events.  What do you get your significant other for your anniversary, his/her birthday?  What do you do to celebrate your founder’s day?  What do you do to commemorate your 10-year Alphaversary?

Spotlight Story - Phi Mu Alpha "Darth Ware" Jacket

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Most of the times our customers know exactly what they are looking for when it comes to their Greek jackets.  There may be gray areas when it comes to color schemes or where to put each piece of information on their masterpiece.  That is what Brittanie and our team of experienced designers are here for.  Our friend, Terron is a member of Phi Mu Alpha who, “had no previous conceptions on what I wanted. So I browsed the site and decided to go with something simple.”  Sometimes simple is the best way to go. 

"The sweater is well made, fits nice and looks good on a sista!"

I can't tell you how pleased I am with my order, your customer service and your selection of items.

I didn't order anything custom, although I know stuff4greeks has customization on lock! I ordered a simple cardigan sweater but I've had some hellacious runs in when ordering para...

It is refreshing that you offered the bomb sale, you contacted me through various stages of the order verification and the order shipped rather quickly. What more can a girl ask for?
The sweater is well made, fits nice and looks good on a sista! :)

Thanks, stuff4greeks. Keep up the excellent work.

S4G Featured in Stitches Magazine

stuff4GREEKS was recently featured again in the media. Stitches Magazine is a publication about the embroidery industry. The article, titled "Greek Apparel Specialist Caters to Online Audience" describes S4G's social media strategy. An excerpt from the article is as follows: "When you speacialize in custom embroidered Greek apparel, it's important that you know your audience." Read the full article here on Stitches' Digital website (page 20).


"Thank you for your customer service"

I received the order today.  Thank you for your attention to this order.  My son is a legacy (YO!  YO!) and to be able to gift this jacket to him is going to be a blessing and a joy.
There will likely be kustom jacket in the future and I will look to s4g because they did my jacket and his mother's as well.
Thank you for your customer service. 
2015 Holiday Greek Wear Gift Guide

2015 Holiday Greek Wear Gift Guide

We just ran the stats to determine our top-selling products for the year thus far. Since Christmas is only a few weeks away, we're sharing this with you for some fraternity and sorority gift ideas to fit any budget. Click "Read more" to see the list...

"Classic Man" Remake for Kappa Alpha Psi

Ever heard the song "Classic Man" by Jidenna? Well it was only a matter of time before the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi made it their own. Check out the remake "Kappa Man" below.

We can already hear this playing at the homecoming games, parties, and step shows. Our question to the Nupes is... what will you be wearing when you're on the scene and this is playing in the background?


"LOVE my Line Jacket!"

"Thank You All at S4G, LOVE my Line Jacket!!! Ive been wanting to tell you all, sorry about the lateness, been wearing it every chance i get,lol."
Frank Lewis,
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Omega Psi Phi Goldmouth - Custom Line Jacket

"EXCELLENT WORK!!!!! Beautifully done."

Hello...This is Danita Thompson. My super RUSH Order came on time, as promised. ;-)
*Thank you...Thank you...Thank Monica, Brittney, Stuff4Greeks Staff, and the Production Team!
EXCELLENT WORK!!!!! Beautifully done.
My daughter was so surprised. Everyone really loved the paddle. My daughter kept getting so many compliments about the paddle. That made her feel special.

Stuff4Greeks Staff are THE BEST, HANDS DOWN!!!


"As always you all have outdone yourselves."

Just wanted to thank Stuff4Greeks for their professionalism and attention to detail. As always you all have outdone yourselves. The look of their faces last night, when they received their jackets was priceless. We look forward to a continued relationship with S4G in the future. Thanks again Monica and the entire staff at S4G.

Allow me to formally introduce:

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Chi Chapter - Morehouse College
Fall 2014
9 R.O.B.A., M.I.A.D.C.
The Centennial Year Line of Chi Chapter (1914-2014)

Spotlight Story - Lambda Phi Epsilon

Spotlight Story - Lambda Phi Epsilon "Shodai" Jacket

Vote here:

Josh meticulously planned every detail of his jacket, and he took full advantage of the advanced features that S4G offers. Click "Read more" to find out how we brought his dream jacket to life...
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