Thanks for getting all the details right...

"I recieved my KKPsi Blazer today and it turned out great. I cant wait to wear it to the next ITB event i attend. Thanks for getting all the details right all the way down to the blood drops in DI,,. I'm also a Nupe so it only fitting I now have blazers for both of my fraternities."
Wendell Earl Kimbrough II

Kappa Kappa Psi NHBF Inc.
Delta Iota,, Chapter
Spr 03 #4

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
Winter Park Alumni Chapter
Spr 08 Tr3 Klub

Products mentioned: Blazers

Sigma Lambda Gamma Shocking Pink Converse Jacket

Chelsea wanted to showcase her love for Converse on the back of her Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority jacket. She sent us a picture for use to digitize and embroider. We brought the shoes to life! Chelsea's jacket draws attention wherever she goes. Read more...
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