Use this section to order patches separately from any garment. You will need to sew the patches on yourself. Each patch is made to order and can be customized with your letters, numbers, and colors. Please note that the colors shown on your monitor may not exactly match the color of the material used to create the final product.
Legal Disclaimer: All images displayed on this site have been previously submitted by customers for novelty purposes only. Any similarity between the images contained herein and any person's likeness or any company trademark is purely coincidental. Greek letters, marks, and emblems related to a specific organization are the copyrighted property of that organization. As the customer, you affirm that 1) you have the legal rights to use any artwork that you request or submit to be used in creation of your paraphernalia, and that 2) the artwork you submit or request is considered appropriate by your organization. stuff4GREEKS assumes no liability or responsibility to determine whether a customer has secured consent from any party for the use of their image, logo, or trademark. The usage of this web site or viewing any of the pages contained herein constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
- Gamma Phi Beta Patches
- Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity Patches
- Gamma Phi Delta Sorority Patches